> > Dragonkeeper
Dragonkeeper Poster


Genre: Animation
In Theaters:
Set during the Han Dynasty in a “magic, epic and classic” China, the film focuses on the adventures of Ping, a slave girl so humble that she thinks she doesn’t deserve a name. Yet she finds the courage to become a true Dragonkeeper, helping the ancient last imperial dragon, Long Danzi, in its quest to transport a dragon egg across China to the coast, the only place it can hatch.


No Director information.
Screenplay: No Screenplay information.
Studio: No Studio information.
DVD Release: No release information.
Tagline: No Tagline yet.
Trailers & Photos (3)
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Set during the Han Dynasty in a “magic, epic and classic” China, the film focuses on the adventures of Ping, a slave girl so humble that she thinks she doesn’t deserve a name. Yet she finds the courage to become a true Dragonkeeper, helping the ancient last imperial dragon, Long Danzi, in its quest to transport a dragon egg across China to the coast, the only place it can hatch.
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