> > Extraterrestrial
Extraterrestrial Poster


Genre: Horror/Suspense, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
In Theaters:
Hoping to spend a romantic weekend in the woods at her parents' cabin, April (Brittany Allen) is dismayed when her boyfriend Kyle (Freddie Stroma) invites his friends to party in the woods. As the group settles into the secluded location, they discover that a UFO has crashed nearby and that they are being observed by one of the craft's survivors. They end up attacking and killing the alien, which prompts a series of attacks by its crew mates. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


Colin Minihan
Screenplay: Colin Minihan , Stuart Ortiz
Studio: Others
DVD Release: No release information.
Tagline: No Tagline yet.
Hoping to spend a romantic weekend in the woods at her parents' cabin, April (Brittany Allen) is dismayed when her boyfriend Kyle (Freddie Stroma) invites his friends to party in the woods. As the group settles into the secluded location, they discover that a UFO has crashed nearby and that they are being observed by one of the craft's survivors. They end up attacking and killing the alien, which prompts a series of attacks by its crew mates. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
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