> > Kawaki
Kawaki Poster


Genre: Drama, Other
In Theaters:
This /suspense /thriller from Japan details a former detective (played by Koji Yakusho) on the search for his missing daughter (Nana Komatsu). Through a web of deception and lies, the man is introduced to the shocking double life that his daughter has been living right under his nose.


Tetsuya Nakashima
Screenplay: Tetsuya Nakashima , Akio Fukamachi , Miako Tadano , Nobuhiro Monma
Studio: Others
DVD Release: No release information.
Tagline: Say goodbye to reason.
This /suspense /thriller from Japan details a former detective (played by Koji Yakusho) on the search for his missing daughter (Nana Komatsu). Through a web of deception and lies, the man is introduced to the shocking double life that his daughter has been living right under his nose.
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