> > The Giver
The Giver Poster

The Giver

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Drama
In Theaters:
In a perfect world where there is no conflict, racism or sickness, every member of society has a specific role, and 16-year-old Jonas is selected to be the Receiver of Memory. As Jonas uncovers the truth behind his world's past, he discovers that many years earlier, his forefathers gave up humanity in order to have a stable society. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


Phillip Noyce
Screenplay: Lois Lowry , Michael Mitnick , Robert B. Weide
Studio: Others
DVD Release: No release information.
Tagline: No Tagline yet.
In a perfect world where there is no conflict, racism or sickness, every member of society has a specific role, and 16-year-old Jonas is selected to be the Receiver of Memory. As Jonas uncovers the truth behind his world's past, he discovers that many years earlier, his forefathers gave up humanity in order to have a stable society. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
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