Keep Track of All Your Favorites
Have a list of favorite movies/TV shows? Want to keep track of how many times you’ve watched your favorite film? Create lists of favorite movies/TV shows and celebrities to use on MoovieLive and PowerDVD to keep your movie memories fresh.
Organize your movie/TV show collection
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on MoovieLive
Create a list of movies/TV shows that are special to you. Just click on the "Collect this Movie"/"Collect this TV show" icon to add a movie/TV show to your collection. When your list grows, you can search and sort by type, genre or personal settings.

in PowerDVD
Add to your movie collection in the PowerDVD Movie Info tab and see your updates when you log into MoovieLive. Share your collection with MoovieLive friends and see what your friends are watching.
Remember what you’ve watched
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on MoovieLive
The "Watched" feature on MoovieLive makes it easy to keep track of which movies/ TV shows you've seen. Just note the date and how you watched it.

in PowerDVD
PowerDVD automatically keeps track of the movies/ TV shows you watch so you have a convenient record for reference. The movies/ TV shows you watch in PowerDVD are automatically synced with your MoovieLive account.
Follow your favorite celebs
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on MoovieLive
MoovieLive lets you add celebrities to your favorites so you can keep track of their latest films, as well as the latest member comments about them.

in PowerDVD
PowerDVD lets you see the celebrities you’ve added on MoovieLive, and lets you easily add new ones. Whenever you watch a movie/ TV show, look up the cast and add more favorites to your collection.
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