> > Snatch
Snatch Poster


Genre: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Thriller
In Theaters:

The film starts with boxing promoter, Turkish (Jason Statham) and his associate and friend, Tommy (Stephen Graham) sitting in a room with an unknown man while Turkish narrates what happened the week before. We cut to Antwerp, where a group of robbers dressed as Hasidic Jews rob a bank and steal an .86 karat diamond the size of a fist. One of the robbers is compulsive gambler, Franky "Four-Fingers" (Benicio del Toro) who is about to head to London. Another one of the robbers tells him that when he get's to London, he can get a gun from Boris "The Blade" Yurinov (Rade Serbedzija).

We cut back to Turkish and Tommy who are training their boxer, Gorgeous George (Adam Fogerty). Turkish is unhappy with the caravan he uses to run his business, so he tells Tommy to buy him a new one from a campsite full of "pikeys" (Irish Gypsies). Turkish then finds Tommy carrying a gun that he got from Boris, which Tommy says is for protection. Turkish explains that Tommy's newfound interest in firearms comes from the fact that Gorgeous has caught the eye of underground mob boss, "Brick Top" Polford (Alan Ford). Brick Top wants Gorgeous to take a dive so that he can get all the money from the bets on him. It's said Brick Top's favorite way to do people in is to kill them and feed their remains to pigs, so Turkish and Tommy have to try hard not to let him down.

We cut back to Antwerp, where the robber who told Franky to go see Boris turns out to be Boris' brother. He's on the phone with Boris and tells him to get somebody else to steal the stone so that the Americans won't know Russia was involved. Boris says he knows some guys for the job, and his brother also mentions that Franky loves to gamble. We cut to New York where Abraham "Cousin Avi" Denovitz (Dennis Farina) is on the phone with Franky. Avi tells Franky to go see his cousin Douglas "Doug The Head" Denovitz (Mike Reid) to get a price on the diamond. Avi also mentions to Franky to stay away from gambling. Avi then calls Doug and tells him that Franky's on his way and Doug says if the stone's real, he'll buy it. We then see Franky buying a gun from Boris and in return for it, he wants Franky to place a bet at a bookies for an unliscenced boxing match under Boris' name.

We then see Tommy and Gorgeous driving to the pikey campsite to buy Turkish a new caravan. We learn here that pikeys are deceitful and hard to understand because of their accents. They meet Mickey O'Neil (Brad Pitt) and buy a caravan from him. Everything seems to be alright, but as soon as Tommy and Gorgeous drive off, the wheels break off the caravan. Tommy and Gorgeous want their money back, but Mickey refuses. Gorgeous then starts throwing his weight around, which causes Mickey to challenge him to a fight for the money. At first, Gorgeous brutalizes Mickey, punching him even before he's ready. Mickey then knocks Gorgeous out with one punch and we learn that he's a bare-knuckle boxer. Gorgeous' neck and jaw are broken and if he doesn't wake up, then the pikeys will kill Tommy too, so that they're no witnesses.

We then cut to pawn shop owners and brothers, Sol (Lennie James) and Vinnie (Robbie Gee). Vinnie has just bought a dog from the pikey campsite, much to Sol's distress. Boris then pays them a visit and says that he wants them to hold up the bookies that Franky is going to to place the bet. The deal is that they wait for a man with four fingers carrying a briefcase to enter the bookies. They then hold up the bookies, take the case from the four fingered man and take the money from the bookies. Boris gets the case and they get $50,000. We then see Doug examining the smaller stones stolen from the robbery. Franky mentions to Doug he'll be back after the boxing match to negotiate the price. We cut back to Sol and Vinnie as they prepare to rob the bookies. They hire obese getaway driver, Tyrone (Ade) for the job. We then see Franky parked outside the bookies and getting into the back of his van to change. When parking outside the bookies, however, Tyrone accidentally backs up into Franky's van and knocks him out. This causes Vinnie's dog to get excited, so they give it a chew toy to calm it down, which it swallows.

We cut back to Turkish and Tommy at their place. Turkish asks Tommy why he let Gorgeous fight two days before his match. We learn that Gorgeous is alive, but hospitalized. Tommy suugests they switch fighters and after he tells Turkish how Mickey took Gorgeous out with one punch, Turkish decides to use Mickey. They head back to the pikey campsite to ask Mickey to fight for them. He agrees to do it, if they buy a new caravan for his mom. Turkish and Tommy then head to Brick Top's place and tell him that they lost Gorgeous and they're using Mickey, now. Brick Top is angered by this because you can't change fighters at the last minute, so he loses all bets. Regardless, he tells them to make sure Mickey goes down in the 4th round.

We cut to Avi calling Doug and asking him where Franky is. Doug says he'll come back to collect the money after the fight. When Avi learns that there's gambling involved with this fight he is angered that Franky is out betting with his money. Avi knows Doug won't go looking for him, so he decides to come to London and look for Franky himself. We cut back to Sol and Vinnie as they see a man with a briefcase enter the bookies. They tell Tyrone to stay in the car and they get their masks on. As soon as they hold up the bookies, the bank teller pushes the security lock button and traps Vinnie's upper body in the screen. Sol blows a hole through the wall and tells the teller to drop the screen, and she does so. When they demand the money, the teller tells them that all bets are off, which means there's no money. Sol then see's that the man with the breifcase has five fingers. This causes Sol to get angry and the teller takes his shot gun and locks the whole place down. When they try to leave, they find themselves locked in and they take off their masks, only to see a security camera looking straight at them. Tyrone then opens the door from the outside and they leave. As soon as Tyrone drives off, Franky comes to and gets out of his van. Tyrone then notices him, gets out of the car, knocks Franky out and stuffs him in back into their car.

We cut to the fight, where Turkish and Tommy are preparing Mickey. They keep repeating to him to go down in the 4th and Mickey seems to comply. As soon as the fight begins, however, Mickey knocks the opponent out with one hit. This causes Brick Top's peers to become angry at him and he promises to make it up to them. We cut back to Sol and Vinnie's place where they have Franky tied to a chair and a bag over his head. Boris enters and Sol and Vinnie tell Boris that there wasn't much money at the bookies. Boris offers them $10,000 to make up for it, but Sol and Vinnie want half of what the diamond is worth. While they put the diamond back in the case, Boris shoots Franky in the head so that he wouldn't know Boris was involved. Boris then demands the stone from them at gunpoint, so they tell him it's in the case but only Franky knew the combination. Boris then takes out a meat cleaver and chops Franky's arm off. He takes the case and the arm and let's Sol and Vinnie have keep the money and the body. He also says if he sees them again, he'll kill them.

We cut to Turkish at his place telling us his plan to leave the country, when all of sudden he finds Brick Top and his henchman waiting for him. Brick Top tells him he's got a bare-knuckle fight coming up and he wants to use Mickey again, but this time he really does want him to go down in the 4th. He then punishes Turkish by taking everything out of his safe. Brick Top then tells his men to find out who robbed his bookies. We then see Turkish and Tommy back at the pikey campsite where they learn from his mom that Mickey is out "coursing". Turkish explains to Tommy that coursing is when you release two hungry dogs on a hare and you bet on whether the rabbit gets away or gets killed. We then see Brick Top and his men looking at the security tape at the bookies that caught Sol and Vinnie with their masks off. No one recognizes either of them, but when it shows Tyrone entering the bookies one of the henchman recognizes him and they're ordered to find him. Turkish and Tommy find Mickey and his friends and they ask Mickey to fight for them again. He agrees to do it, if they buy his mom a new caravan that's twice the size of the one they originally agreed on. This makes Turkish angry, so Mickey proposes they "course" over it. If the rabbit gets away, they buy his mom the caravan and if it gets killed, he'll do the fight for free.

The coursing game is intercut with Tyrone getting captured by Brick Top's men and having dogs sicked on him. He eventually tells them everything they want to know. In the end, the rabbit gets away which causes Turkish and Tommy distress. Tommy then learns that the gun Boris gave him is defective, which angers him. We then cut to Sol and Vinnie who are trying to convince one of their friends, Bad-Boy Lincoln, to help get rid of the body, when all of a sudden, Brick Top comes in and interrupts them. He then lectures them on the proper way to get rid of a body (by feeding it to pigs). Vinnie asks him who he is and he tells them he's a "nemesis". He then leads them into a room where his henchman have Tyrone and are preparing to kill all of them. We cut back to Avi asking Doug why he can't find Franky. Doug then brings up an old friend of his: a mercenary named Bullet-Tooth Tony (Vinnie Jones). Tony was shot six times in the chest in one sitting and survived. He had Doug meld the bullets into a tooth for him. Avi decides to call him up.

We cut back to Sol, Vinnie and Tyrone, who are about to be killed by Brick Top's men, when Sol pleads to him that if he gives them four days, they'll get him a diamond the size of a fist. Brick Top agrees but instead, gives them 48 hours. We then see Avi explaining the situation to Tony and asks him to help him. Tony agrees and tells Avi they need to find the people who robbed the bookies. Vinnie gets the information from a guy named Mullet by sticking his head through the car window, rolling up the window and driving off. He eventually tells Tony who did it and is set free. We then cut to Tony holding Sol at gunpoint and Avi demanding from him who took the stone and killed Franky. Sol tells them that it was Boris.

We cut to Turkish on the phone with Brick Top and telling him that Mickey won't fight unless they buy his mom a caravan, which they can't do, since Brick Top took all their money. Brick Top becomes angry and tells his henchman to punish Turkish. They do this buy busting up all his slot machines that he uses to make money. Turkish comes in while they're doing this, and fights them off, but is eventually outnumbered. Brick Top also punishes Mickey buy burning his mom's caravan while she's still asleep in it. The henchmen are about to cut Turkish's arm off, when Tommy comes in with his defective gun and points it at them. They let Turkish go and he and Tommy manage to get away. They visit Mickey the next morning and ask him to fight again. He agrees to do it so that no one else will get hurt.

We cut to Doug's store where Avi is being explained to by Tony that Boris is an ex-KBG and will be impossible to track down. Doug's daughters then tell him that Boris is downstairs wanting to discuss a price on the diamond. We then see Sol, Vinnie and Tyrone discussing what they should do to get the stone back. Sol tells Tyrone to go Boris' house and call them the second he sees him. We cut back to Doug's store where they decide how to get Boris to talk. Avi's henchman, Rosebud, say's he'll take care of him. We then cut to Tony, Avi and Rosebud in Tony's car. They're all pretty beat-up, but they have Boris tied and gagged in the trunk and they demand to know where the stone is. Tyrone then spots them and he calls Sol and Vinnie, but before he can tell him he's taken captive, they hang up. Tony and Avi find the case in Boris' house and take it.

We then see Turkish and Tommy heading to Boris' place to get Tommy a new gun, when Tommy starts lecturing him on his compulsive milk drinking and how the human digestive system hasn't adjusted to milk. The scene cuts back and forth between each of the different characters as they prepare for the final confrontation. In a nonlinear style, the time frames of the shot are put off slighty. Tommy then throws Turkish's milk carton out the window and it hits a car. We then see Tony, Avi and Rosebud in Tony's car discussing the best way to kill Boris. Rosebud say's he'll do it and he pulls out a knife. The car is then hit by a milk carton, which cause Tony to crash. Everyone's okay, except Rosebud, who was impaled by his knife. Boris then pops out of the trunk and runs out into the road. We then see Sol, Vinnie and Tyrone following Tony and Avi. Sol couldn't get any real guns, so he got replicas. Vinnie asks whether or not they work, so Sol fires one off in the car which distracts Tyrone and he hits Boris and crashes.

Avi and Tony get out of the car and head into the nearby bar. Tony tells Avi that he can cleaned up in the bathroom in the back. We then see Turkish and Tommy at Boris' place. Tommy is about to go in and demand a new gun, when Boris suddenly arrives, goes into his house, pulls out an assault rifle and heads to the bar. Sol, Vinnie and Tyrone put on their masks and head into the bar with their replicas. They find Tony, hold him at gunpoint and demand the stone. Tony seems calm and unphased though, and gives a speech on how they're not man enough to do something like this. He also notes they have "replica" written down the sides of their guns, and his has "Desert Eagle .50" written on it. The three of them then leave. They tell Tyrone to lock the door to the bar, when Avi suddenly comes out of the bathroom with the case. They tell him to hand it over, but he refuses. Boris suddenly enters the bar and tells Avi to hand it over, but Avi still refuses. Tony hears all the commotion through the wall. Boris is about to shoot everybody, when Tony yells through the wall to Avi to get down. Avi, Sol and Vinnie get down, while Tony shoots through the wall and hits Boris and Tyrone. Sol and Vinnie take off with the case and leave Tyrone. Tony then breaks through the door and notices Boris reaching for his gun. Tony then shoots him again. He then demands Tyrone to tell him where the case is, when he realizes Boris is still alive. He shoots him several times until finally shooting him in the head and killing him. He's about to kill Tyrone too, when he realizes the clip is empty and calls him lucky.

We cut to Sol and Vinnie back at their shop. They're about to head to Brick Top to give him the stone. Sol tells Vinnie to leave his dog at the shop. They're then parked outside Brick Top's place deciding who will go in and give it to him. Tony then appears outside of they're car and tells them to get out. They do so, but no before Vinnie hides the diamond in his pants. We cut back to Turkish, Tommy and Gorgeous (who's in a head brace) playing cards in their caravan. Tommy is nervous that Mickey won't go down in the 4th round. Turkish, on the other hand, is more concerned as to whether or not he'll make it to the 4th round. Turkish explains that tonight is Mickey's mom's funeral and as pikey tradition, he'll most likely have a wild night of mourning and get drunk, which means he'll have a hard time fighting the next day.

We cut back to Sol and Vinnie's shop, where they've told Avi and Tony that the stone is here. They find that the dog has torn the place to pieces. Sol and Vinnie start "looking" for the stone when Vinnie tells them the dog must've eaten it. Avi tells Tony to "open him up" to find out. Tony is hesitant at first but eventually complies. Vinnie tries to stop him and after much commotion, he pulls the diamond out from his pants and gives it to Avi. Avi then confirms that it's real, but as soon as he does, the dog grabs the diamond and jumps out the window. This causes Avi to blindly fire at the dog. He then tells Tony to follow him to chase the dog but when he gets no reply, he goes back into the room and realizes that he accidentally shot Tony. This causes Avi to go back to New York.

The next morning, we see Turkish and Tommy standing over Mickey, who has a bad hangover. They then explain to him that he has to go down in the 4th. Brick Top has taken special precautions to make sure Mickey goes down in the 4th. He has a van full of his henchmen outside holding guns and are ordered to shoot Turkish, Tommy and Mickey if they leave the building before he does. He also has two more vans of his henchmen stationed near the pikey campsite and will kill everyone in the site when ordered to. The fight then begins. Mickey hits the guy with one punch but he's not knocked out. Mickey then let's the guy beat and pummle him up to end of the third round. Turkish then tells Mickey to actually look like he's fighting so it doesn't look rigged, but also warns him not to knock the other man out. When the 4th round begins, Mickey takes a real beating and it looks like he's going to stay down this time. But, Mickey gets right back up and knocks the guy out with one punch. Turkish, Tommy, and Mickey leave the building to find Brick Top outside on the phone with his men at the campsite and all we hear are gunshots. Brick Top then spots them, tells the man in the van near him to give him a gun, and we hear a shot.

We then flash back and are informed of Mickey's plan to get back at the men who killed his mom. He puts a bet on himself to win to get more money and better caravans for the rest of the pikeys. We then see that during the fight, the pikeys sneaked up on Brick Top's men outside their campsite and shot them all down. One of them escapes, but is cornered by one of the pikeys. Brick Top then calls the man but all he hears is the pikey and the gunshot killing his henchman. We then see that a few pikeys took over the van outside the arena and when Brick Top demanded a gun, they rolled down the window and shot him in the face. Mickey then drives off with his fellow pikeys.

The next morning, Turkish and Tommy head to the pikey campsite and find that they've all left and they've buried the bodies of Brick Top's men in their place. The police suddenly arrive and ask Turkish and Tommy what they're doing here. They don't know what to say at first but then, Vinnie's dog arrives and they say they were taking him for a walk. The police check their car, which is empty and they let them go. They take the dog with them, too. They then pass Sol and Vinnie, who have been pulled over by the police and are asked why they have Franky's body in their trunk. Sol and Vinnie manage to catch a glimpse of them driving by and they're stunned as to why they have Vinnie's dog.

We cut back to the very first scene where Turkish and Tommy are sitting in a room with an unknown man. Turkish explains to us that he couldn't take the sqeaking from the dog anymore, so they took it to a vet. Inside the dog's stomach, they found a chew toy and the diamond. Turkish doesn't know anything about diamonds so he says that they went to a professional. The man in the room is revealed to be Doug the Head. Turkish asks him if anyone would be interested and Doug says he might. He gets on the phone and calls Avi, who heads back to London.


No Director information.
Studio: Columbia
DVD Release: 2001-02-17 00:00:00.0
Tagline: Stealin' Stones and Breakin' Bones

The film starts with boxing promoter, Turkish (Jason Statham) and his associate and friend, Tommy (Stephen Graham) sitting in a room with an unknown man while Turkish narrates what happened the week before. We cut to Antwerp, where a group of robbers dressed as Hasidic Jews rob a bank and steal an .86 karat diamond the size of a fist. One of the robbers is compulsive gambler, Franky "Four-Fingers" (Benicio del Toro) who is about to head to London. Another one of the robbers tells him that when he get's to London, he can get a gun from Boris "The Blade" Yurinov (Rade Serbedzija).

We cut back to Turkish and Tommy who are training their boxer, Gorgeous George (Adam Fogerty). Turkish is unhappy with the caravan he uses to run his business, so he tells Tommy to buy him a new one from a campsite full of "pikeys" (Irish Gypsies). Turkish then finds Tommy carrying a gun that he got from Boris, which Tommy says is for protection. Turkish explains that Tommy's newfound interest in firearms comes from the fact that Gorgeous has caught the eye of underground mob boss, "Brick Top" Polford (Alan Ford). Brick Top wants Gorgeous to take a dive so that he can get all the money from the bets on him. It's said Brick Top's favorite way to do people in is to kill them and feed their remains to pigs, so Turkish and Tommy have to try hard not to let him down.

We cut back to Antwerp, where the robber who told Franky to go see Boris turns out to be Boris' brother. He's on the phone with Boris and tells him to get somebody else to steal the stone so that the Americans won't know Russia was involved. Boris says he knows some guys for the job, and his brother also mentions that Franky loves to gamble. We cut to New York where Abraham "Cousin Avi" Denovitz (Dennis Farina) is on the phone with Franky. Avi tells Franky to go see his cousin Douglas "Doug The Head" Denovitz (Mike Reid) to get a price on the diamond. Avi also mentions to Franky to stay away from gambling. Avi then calls Doug and tells him that Franky's on his way and Doug says if the stone's real, he'll buy it. We then see Franky buying a gun from Boris and in return for it, he wants Franky to place a bet at a bookies for an unliscenced boxing match under Boris' name.

We then see Tommy and Gorgeous driving to the pikey campsite to buy Turkish a new caravan. We learn here that pikeys are deceitful and hard to understand because of their accents. They meet Mickey O'Neil (Brad Pitt) and buy a caravan from him. Everything seems to be alright, but as soon as Tommy and Gorgeous drive off, the wheels break off the caravan. Tommy and Gorgeous want their money back, but Mickey refuses. Gorgeous then starts throwing his weight around, which causes Mickey to challenge him to a fight for the money. At first, Gorgeous brutalizes Mickey, punching him even before he's ready. Mickey then knocks Gorgeous out with one punch and we learn that he's a bare-knuckle boxer. Gorgeous' neck and jaw are broken and if he doesn't wake up, then the pikeys will kill Tommy too, so that they're no witnesses.

We then cut to pawn shop owners and brothers, Sol (Lennie James) and Vinnie (Robbie Gee). Vinnie has just bought a dog from the pikey campsite, much to Sol's distress. Boris then pays them a visit and says that he wants them to hold up the bookies that Franky is going to to place the bet. The deal is that they wait for a man with four fingers carrying a briefcase to enter the bookies. They then hold up the bookies, take the case from the four fingered man and take the money from the bookies. Boris gets the case and they get $50,000. We then see Doug examining the smaller stones stolen from the robbery. Franky mentions to Doug he'll be back after the boxing match to negotiate the price. We cut back to Sol and Vinnie as they prepare to rob the bookies. They hire obese getaway driver, Tyrone (Ade) for the job. We then see Franky parked outside the bookies and getting into the back of his van to change. When parking outside the bookies, however, Tyrone accidentally backs up into Franky's van and knocks him out. This causes Vinnie's dog to get excited, so they give it a chew toy to calm it down, which it swallows.

We cut back to Turkish and Tommy at their place. Turkish asks Tommy why he let Gorgeous fight two days before his match. We learn that Gorgeous is alive, but hospitalized. Tommy suugests they switch fighters and after he tells Turkish how Mickey took Gorgeous out with one punch, Turkish decides to use Mickey. They head back to the pikey campsite to ask Mickey to fight for them. He agrees to do it, if they buy a new caravan for his mom. Turkish and Tommy then head to Brick Top's place and tell him that they lost Gorgeous and they're using Mickey, now. Brick Top is angered by this because you can't change fighters at the last minute, so he loses all bets. Regardless, he tells them to make sure Mickey goes down in the 4th round.

We cut to Avi calling Doug and asking him where Franky is. Doug says he'll come back to collect the money after the fight. When Avi learns that there's gambling involved with this fight he is angered that Franky is out betting with his money. Avi knows Doug won't go looking for him, so he decides to come to London and look for Franky himself. We cut back to Sol and Vinnie as they see a man with a briefcase enter the bookies. They tell Tyrone to stay in the car and they get their masks on. As soon as they hold up the bookies, the bank teller pushes the security lock button and traps Vinnie's upper body in the screen. Sol blows a hole through the wall and tells the teller to drop the screen, and she does so. When they demand the money, the teller tells them that all bets are off, which means there's no money. Sol then see's that the man with the breifcase has five fingers. This causes Sol to get angry and the teller takes his shot gun and locks the whole place down. When they try to leave, they find themselves locked in and they take off their masks, only to see a security camera looking straight at them. Tyrone then opens the door from the outside and they leave. As soon as Tyrone drives off, Franky comes to and gets out of his van. Tyrone then notices him, gets out of the car, knocks Franky out and stuffs him in back into their car.

We cut to the fight, where Turkish and Tommy are preparing Mickey. They keep repeating to him to go down in the 4th and Mickey seems to comply. As soon as the fight begins, however, Mickey knocks the opponent out with one hit. This causes Brick Top's peers to become angry at him and he promises to make it up to them. We cut back to Sol and Vinnie's place where they have Franky tied to a chair and a bag over his head. Boris enters and Sol and Vinnie tell Boris that there wasn't much money at the bookies. Boris offers them $10,000 to make up for it, but Sol and Vinnie want half of what the diamond is worth. While they put the diamond back in the case, Boris shoots Franky in the head so that he wouldn't know Boris was involved. Boris then demands the stone from them at gunpoint, so they tell him it's in the case but only Franky knew the combination. Boris then takes out a meat cleaver and chops Franky's arm off. He takes the case and the arm and let's Sol and Vinnie have keep the money and the body. He also says if he sees them again, he'll kill them.

We cut to Turkish at his place telling us his plan to leave the country, when all of sudden he finds Brick Top and his henchman waiting for him. Brick Top tells him he's got a bare-knuckle fight coming up and he wants to use Mickey again, but this time he really does want him to go down in the 4th. He then punishes Turkish by taking everything out of his safe. Brick Top then tells his men to find out who robbed his bookies. We then see Turkish and Tommy back at the pikey campsite where they learn from his mom that Mickey is out "coursing". Turkish explains to Tommy that coursing is when you release two hungry dogs on a hare and you bet on whether the rabbit gets away or gets killed. We then see Brick Top and his men looking at the security tape at the bookies that caught Sol and Vinnie with their masks off. No one recognizes either of them, but when it shows Tyrone entering the bookies one of the henchman recognizes him and they're ordered to find him. Turkish and Tommy find Mickey and his friends and they ask Mickey to fight for them again. He agrees to do it, if they buy his mom a new caravan that's twice the size of the one they originally agreed on. This makes Turkish angry, so Mickey proposes they "course" over it. If the rabbit gets away, they buy his mom the caravan and if it gets killed, he'll do the fight for free.

The coursing game is intercut with Tyrone getting captured by Brick Top's men and having dogs sicked on him. He eventually tells them everything they want to know. In the end, the rabbit gets away which causes Turkish and Tommy distress. Tommy then learns that the gun Boris gave him is defective, which angers him. We then cut to Sol and Vinnie who are trying to convince one of their friends, Bad-Boy Lincoln, to help get rid of the body, when all of a sudden, Brick Top comes in and interrupts them. He then lectures them on the proper way to get rid of a body (by feeding it to pigs). Vinnie asks him who he is and he tells them he's a "nemesis". He then leads them into a room where his henchman have Tyrone and are preparing to kill all of them. We cut back to Avi asking Doug why he can't find Franky. Doug then brings up an old friend of his: a mercenary named Bullet-Tooth Tony (Vinnie Jones). Tony was shot six times in the chest in one sitting and survived. He had Doug meld the bullets into a tooth for him. Avi decides to call him up.

We cut back to Sol, Vinnie and Tyrone, who are about to be killed by Brick Top's men, when Sol pleads to him that if he gives them four days, they'll get him a diamond the size of a fist. Brick Top agrees but instead, gives them 48 hours. We then see Avi explaining the situation to Tony and asks him to help him. Tony agrees and tells Avi they need to find the people who robbed the bookies. Vinnie gets the information from a guy named Mullet by sticking his head through the car window, rolling up the window and driving off. He eventually tells Tony who did it and is set free. We then cut to Tony holding Sol at gunpoint and Avi demanding from him who took the stone and killed Franky. Sol tells them that it was Boris.

We cut to Turkish on the phone with Brick Top and telling him that Mickey won't fight unless they buy his mom a caravan, which they can't do, since Brick Top took all their money. Brick Top becomes angry and tells his henchman to punish Turkish. They do this buy busting up all his slot machines that he uses to make money. Turkish comes in while they're doing this, and fights them off, but is eventually outnumbered. Brick Top also punishes Mickey buy burning his mom's caravan while she's still asleep in it. The henchmen are about to cut Turkish's arm off, when Tommy comes in with his defective gun and points it at them. They let Turkish go and he and Tommy manage to get away. They visit Mickey the next morning and ask him to fight again. He agrees to do it so that no one else will get hurt.

We cut to Doug's store where Avi is being explained to by Tony that Boris is an ex-KBG and will be impossible to track down. Doug's daughters then tell him that Boris is downstairs wanting to discuss a price on the diamond. We then see Sol, Vinnie and Tyrone discussing what they should do to get the stone back. Sol tells Tyrone to go Boris' house and call them the second he sees him. We cut back to Doug's store where they decide how to get Boris to talk. Avi's henchman, Rosebud, say's he'll take care of him. We then cut to Tony, Avi and Rosebud in Tony's car. They're all pretty beat-up, but they have Boris tied and gagged in the trunk and they demand to know where the stone is. Tyrone then spots them and he calls Sol and Vinnie, but before he can tell him he's taken captive, they hang up. Tony and Avi find the case in Boris' house and take it.

We then see Turkish and Tommy heading to Boris' place to get Tommy a new gun, when Tommy starts lecturing him on his compulsive milk drinking and how the human digestive system hasn't adjusted to milk. The scene cuts back and forth between each of the different characters as they prepare for the final confrontation. In a nonlinear style, the time frames of the shot are put off slighty. Tommy then throws Turkish's milk carton out the window and it hits a car. We then see Tony, Avi and Rosebud in Tony's car discussing the best way to kill Boris. Rosebud say's he'll do it and he pulls out a knife. The car is then hit by a milk carton, which cause Tony to crash. Everyone's okay, except Rosebud, who was impaled by his knife. Boris then pops out of the trunk and runs out into the road. We then see Sol, Vinnie and Tyrone following Tony and Avi. Sol couldn't get any real guns, so he got replicas. Vinnie asks whether or not they work, so Sol fires one off in the car which distracts Tyrone and he hits Boris and crashes.

Avi and Tony get out of the car and head into the nearby bar. Tony tells Avi that he can cleaned up in the bathroom in the back. We then see Turkish and Tommy at Boris' place. Tommy is about to go in and demand a new gun, when Boris suddenly arrives, goes into his house, pulls out an assault rifle and heads to the bar. Sol, Vinnie and Tyrone put on their masks and head into the bar with their replicas. They find Tony, hold him at gunpoint and demand the stone. Tony seems calm and unphased though, and gives a speech on how they're not man enough to do something like this. He also notes they have "replica" written down the sides of their guns, and his has "Desert Eagle .50" written on it. The three of them then leave. They tell Tyrone to lock the door to the bar, when Avi suddenly comes out of the bathroom with the case. They tell him to hand it over, but he refuses. Boris suddenly enters the bar and tells Avi to hand it over, but Avi still refuses. Tony hears all the commotion through the wall. Boris is about to shoot everybody, when Tony yells through the wall to Avi to get down. Avi, Sol and Vinnie get down, while Tony shoots through the wall and hits Boris and Tyrone. Sol and Vinnie take off with the case and leave Tyrone. Tony then breaks through the door and notices Boris reaching for his gun. Tony then shoots him again. He then demands Tyrone to tell him where the case is, when he realizes Boris is still alive. He shoots him several times until finally shooting him in the head and killing him. He's about to kill Tyrone too, when he realizes the clip is empty and calls him lucky.

We cut to Sol and Vinnie back at their shop. They're about to head to Brick Top to give him the stone. Sol tells Vinnie to leave his dog at the shop. They're then parked outside Brick Top's place deciding who will go in and give it to him. Tony then appears outside of they're car and tells them to get out. They do so, but no before Vinnie hides the diamond in his pants. We cut back to Turkish, Tommy and Gorgeous (who's in a head brace) playing cards in their caravan. Tommy is nervous that Mickey won't go down in the 4th round. Turkish, on the other hand, is more concerned as to whether or not he'll make it to the 4th round. Turkish explains that tonight is Mickey's mom's funeral and as pikey tradition, he'll most likely have a wild night of mourning and get drunk, which means he'll have a hard time fighting the next day.

We cut back to Sol and Vinnie's shop, where they've told Avi and Tony that the stone is here. They find that the dog has torn the place to pieces. Sol and Vinnie start "looking" for the stone when Vinnie tells them the dog must've eaten it. Avi tells Tony to "open him up" to find out. Tony is hesitant at first but eventually complies. Vinnie tries to stop him and after much commotion, he pulls the diamond out from his pants and gives it to Avi. Avi then confirms that it's real, but as soon as he does, the dog grabs the diamond and jumps out the window. This causes Avi to blindly fire at the dog. He then tells Tony to follow him to chase the dog but when he gets no reply, he goes back into the room and realizes that he accidentally shot Tony. This causes Avi to go back to New York.

The next morning, we see Turkish and Tommy standing over Mickey, who has a bad hangover. They then explain to him that he has to go down in the 4th. Brick Top has taken special precautions to make sure Mickey goes down in the 4th. He has a van full of his henchmen outside holding guns and are ordered to shoot Turkish, Tommy and Mickey if they leave the building before he does. He also has two more vans of his henchmen stationed near the pikey campsite and will kill everyone in the site when ordered to. The fight then begins. Mickey hits the guy with one punch but he's not knocked out. Mickey then let's the guy beat and pummle him up to end of the third round. Turkish then tells Mickey to actually look like he's fighting so it doesn't look rigged, but also warns him not to knock the other man out. When the 4th round begins, Mickey takes a real beating and it looks like he's going to stay down this time. But, Mickey gets right back up and knocks the guy out with one punch. Turkish, Tommy, and Mickey leave the building to find Brick Top outside on the phone with his men at the campsite and all we hear are gunshots. Brick Top then spots them, tells the man in the van near him to give him a gun, and we hear a shot.

We then flash back and are informed of Mickey's plan to get back at the men who killed his mom. He puts a bet on himself to win to get more money and better caravans for the rest of the pikeys. We then see that during the fight, the pikeys sneaked up on Brick Top's men outside their campsite and shot them all down. One of them escapes, but is cornered by one of the pikeys. Brick Top then calls the man but all he hears is the pikey and the gunshot killing his henchman. We then see that a few pikeys took over the van outside the arena and when Brick Top demanded a gun, they rolled down the window and shot him in the face. Mickey then drives off with his fellow pikeys.

The next morning, Turkish and Tommy head to the pikey campsite and find that they've all left and they've buried the bodies of Brick Top's men in their place. The police suddenly arrive and ask Turkish and Tommy what they're doing here. They don't know what to say at first but then, Vinnie's dog arrives and they say they were taking him for a walk. The police check their car, which is empty and they let them go. They take the dog with them, too. They then pass Sol and Vinnie, who have been pulled over by the police and are asked why they have Franky's body in their trunk. Sol and Vinnie manage to catch a glimpse of them driving by and they're stunned as to why they have Vinnie's dog.

We cut back to the very first scene where Turkish and Tommy are sitting in a room with an unknown man. Turkish explains to us that he couldn't take the sqeaking from the dog anymore, so they took it to a vet. Inside the dog's stomach, they found a chew toy and the diamond. Turkish doesn't know anything about diamonds so he says that they went to a professional. The man in the room is revealed to be Doug the Head. Turkish asks him if anyone would be interested and Doug says he might. He gets on the phone and calls Avi, who heads back to London.

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